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Douglas Didyoung. Visual Artist

Visual artist and painter Douglas Didyoung Jr. has embarked on a life of travel, adventure, and exploration that brings the influence of global experiences and artists to his graphic work. His work highlights beauty, joy, and loss that is intrinsic to the human experience. 


Bridging the gap between the natural world and imagination, Douglas's works evoke a sense of motion and vitality, rendered in striking and deeply saturated colors. The play between reality and fantasy can be seen in a recent series intended for display in a child's environment, featuring a whimsical deepwater octopus realized in jewel tones. 


Having lived in Korea, Vietnam, and New York City, Douglas has found his home in the Pennsylvania Dutch countryside. He moved to Jim Thorpe, PA for the inspiration of the Poconos Mountains. Doug's energy and artistry are regularly sought by the local community as well as the global community. 


Douglas was born Linh Due Nguyen in Saigon. At the age of 5, he was one of the almost 26,000 children involved in Operation Airlift, a 1975 effort by American relief agencies to evacuate children from South Vietnam. He was adopted by Helen and Doug Didyoung Sr and spent the rest of his childhood in Sinking Spring, PA.

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